The Kenya Association of Records Managers and Archivists (KARMA) is the premier records management organisation operating within Kenya. The organisation is a professional body and community for all those who work, and are interested in, records and archives management. 

By working with archiving and records management specialists from both the public and private sector, the association draws upon a varied knowledge base. This allows members to benefit from the educational, training and research-based activities promoted by the association. 

If you are reading this article then you are probably interested in the world of records management and archiving. If that is the case, a KARMA membership may be a huge step in the right direction for your professional career. 

Here are 6 key reasons you should consider membership: 

  • KARMA will help members to find jobs. 

KARMA is a community of like-minded individuals. Being part of a community means you benefit from the knowledge and contacts of the group.

Job-seeking members of KARMA can leverage their membership to hear about new opportunities in the public and private sectors of the industry. When members are applying to jobs listed by other members of KARMA, they will benefit from a professional advantage.

  • KARMA offers mentoring services. 

If you want to get ahead in the records management industry, having a good mentor can be extremely helpful. 

Being a good records manager requires meticulous organisation and a keen eye for detail. Whilst anyone can train to achieve this, the best records managers are those that innovate within the industry and strive to revolutionise the records management process. 

At KARMA, the pool of varied talents and expertise means innovation in the industry is most likely to appear among its members. 

  • KARMA promotes development through courses, workshops and publications. 

Being part of the community means you will have the opportunity to develop your skill set through KARMA sponsored activities. 

Whether it be updates on new industry trends or a re-evaluation of old tricks, KARMA will make sure you have the opportunity to become an accomplished records manager. 

  •  KARMA membership offers a good opportunity to expand your professional network. 

In addition to the courses, workshops and mentoring program offered by KARMA, there is also an annual conference. This can be a great opportunity for members to mingle and meet new contacts within the records management industry. 

  • KARMA encourages members to be more confident and become leaders in all aspects of their lives. 

Everyone has the capacity to be a leader. It simply requires confidence, knowledge and encouragement from your peers. At KARMA, members can benefit from the community spirit to become accomplished records managers. 

These skills can be transferred to all other aspects of life. Indeed, members can hope to benefit from all other members of the community. 

  • KARMA is a Kenyan not-for-profit. 

KARMA is a symptom of the development of the Kenyan records management industry. In both public and private sectors, Kenya boasts an extremely impressive array of records management organisations. 

Associations like KARMA will help the Kenyan records management industry to become the most innovative and efficient on the continent.